Phillips and Lucinda Munchhausen have just set off on a journey across France
and Northern Spain to Santiago de Compostella.
July 2008:
Sadly, Jules and
Lucinda have been forced to cancel their journey due to emergencies and illness
- one horse went lame and another was bitten by a snake. As Lucinda wrote
to The Guild:
"I think the hardest day for me was when Lotus was
bitten by the snake: it was something I knew could happen but didn't prepare
myself for the helpless feeling whilst waiting for the vet that never turned
up, I could have kissed the French vet that came to our aid - I have never
been so happy to see someone.
I was very disappointed to not be able to continue but
as you have probably learnt in our blogs for me my horses are very important
more important than a destination and as Odi was lame the decision was made
for us. I am so proud of the horses - not once did they object to any
situation, they gave their all and were far more courageous than us."
For more
information about this journey, please visit their website where they have a daily blog.
For more
information about the Pilgrim Route to Santiago, please click here.
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