The Long Riders' Guild

Stories from the Road


Billy Brenchley (above) and Christine Henchie set off in 2005 to ride from the most northern point of Africa, Cap Blanc in Tunisia to the most southern point of Africa, Cape Agulhas in South Africa. Neither Long Rider survived the journey.

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Riding Across the Sahara
English Long Rider Hugh Clapperton travelled on two expeditions to explore the interior of north Africa and to identify the course of the River Niger. In 1822, accompanied by an escort of 210 mounted Arab tribesmen, he rode across the Sahara Desert to Borno. Clapperton spent a year exploring the Lake Chad region, before dying of fever.


An Extraordinary Adventure Across Africa
No one needed to tell Ria Bosman Naysmith it was impossible to ride across the continent of Africa - because no one in living memory had tried. The list of obstacles to horse and rider read like a "Who's Who of Danger."  Lions, Guerrillas, Deserts, Disease - Ria found all those and more. Published in English for the first time, Ria's hair-raising adventure "My Horse, My Husband and I," recounts how she and Gordon Naysmith risked everything to ride across Africa in 1970.


Kangaroos in Uganda
Billy Brenchley and Christine Henchie set off in 2005, determined to complete the first ride from the most northern point of Africa, Cap Blanc in Tunisia to the most southern point of Africa, Cape Agulhas in South Africa. Ten countries and an untold number of hardships awaited them. At the halfway point in their historic journey, they reached Uganda, where nobody had seen a horse since 1966. Pandemonium ensued.


Long Rider Slain in Traffic Accident
The worst accident in the history of modern equestrian travel has taken the life of a female Long Rider, left her companion seriously wounded and gravely injured their horses. English Long Rider Christine Henchie, 29, was killed instantly on Monday, January 28 2013 by an out-of-control bus in Tanzania. Her fiancé, South African Long Rider Billy Brenchley, 43, escaped death by inches but suffered a broken leg.


Condolences from Long Riders
When Long Riders from around the world heard about Christie Henchie's death, they rushed to send their heartfelt condolences.

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