Thierry Posty is riding all over the Southern Hemisphere! |
Thierry Posty, who has already made Long Rides in Europe, Canada and Alaska, Australia, Mongolia, South America, the United States and Cuba and South Africa, has recently set off to ride the length of New Zealand. His journey began just before Christmas in Auckland.
French-speakers can learn more about the French Long Rider at World Trail Rides. We will update this page as and when we receive news from Thierry.
August 2007
Having finished his rides in New Zealand and Caledonia, Thierry is now in Japan. Click on the picture below to read an article about him in Japanese!
Thierry completed his ride in New Zealand and is now in New Caledonia. Here is his latest message:
"I have already been travelling for more than two weeks with my new companion, whom I have named 'Nakei Geo" (eater of bananas in Wawulo). We were happy to exchange the main road on the west coast for the luxuriant fairyland of the east coast and its Kanak villages. The vegetation is stunning. We regaled ourselves on bananas, of course, but also coconuts, avocados and other tropical fruits.
The Caledonian bushmen are often like caricature cowboys who live with the rhythm of the sun. They almost made my stomach burst with their stews and deer sausages cooked over a wood fire. They also prepared for me their famous "Bougna", a traditional Melanesian dish. This is cooked on an oven which consists of hot stones placed at the bottom of a hole in the sand or earth. Among the Koe tribe, near Touho, I had curried prawns.
The further north we get, the more miraculous large fish we find. The Melanesian welcome us with much respect. They say they are proud and honoured that I chose a Kanak horse for my journey across the island.
The Melanesian, or Kanak, culture is an ancestral one with an essentially oral tradition. All beliefs and legends are transmitted by the "old" who thus perpetuate the traditions and customs. The key figure in family life is the maternal uncle, known as "Uncle Uterine." The subjects respect the small chief and the big chief, and listen to the opinion of the old ones."
November 2007
Although Thierry has not updated The Guild on exactly where he is at present, and what is happening, he did send us photographs of his rides in Japan:
and Fiji:
April 2008
It seems Thierry is now in Patagonia!
He sent The Guild the amazing photograph on the right. We are not sure
where the horse is, though! |
Below are some photographs which Thierry sent us. Click on any one to enlarge it.
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